Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Holiday Cheer

Wow what a wild few days!!! I finally got some time to sit down at the computer and tell all of you about my first Christmas. The first thing we did was go to Nana and Pops so I could meet my great grandmother, then we went to Emmies so I could see all my mom's family. After that we went to Faith Baptist Church and sang, and listened to some guy talk about a man named Jesus and how lucky we are to get to celebate his birthday and how he gave us all an amazing gift and how much he loves us. I fell asleep, but Daddy said that was ok because he did that sometimes to. After church we went back to Nana and Pops where we ate and ate and ate. Then we went home and Mom and Dad opened presents and went to bed. We woke up on Christmas morning and started all over again! We went to all the grandparents and ate some more and opened up a bunch of presents. I really am loved, I got so much stuff and so many hugs. It was really awesome spending so much tume with mom and dad and my family. Dad did not work for 3 days, so mom had 2 kids on her hands, but she did great!! I am ready for my next holiday. I am really excited about it, I hear I get to stay up until midnight, and there will be a new year! Im not real sure what a year is and why we need a new one, but if all these people are celebrating, I guess I will to!! I am putting a couple of pictures up from Christmas. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as Mom enjoyed taking them. Happy new year to all of you! Keep checking back, I am going to do a better job of keeping my blog updated.


  1. I love the picture of you two guys konked out! I have one with Will like that. That drool is so cute! And the baby is cute too!

  2. Hi Dan and Lisa, This is Selena Bragg, Russ Bragg's wife. I was checking Russ' facebook page as I haven't yet become a "facebooker", (but enjoy keeping up with his friends), when I noticed you had a new posting of your little guy along with a blog link. First of all, congratulations on Conner... what a handsome fellow! Secondly, I have enjoyed reading your blog tonight and am so happy that life is going so well for you both. We also enjoy blogging and I think it is another great way to keep in touch with friends and their families, so I am going to follow your little one's blog and if you'd like to check ours out, feel free to do so. It is I can't promise that it is interesting, but it is really nice to go back and read the documented events as life passes way too quickly. Hope you have a Happy New Year and may God bless your 2010! Enjoy that baby!!! Take care. Russ and Selena Bragg

