Saturday, January 30, 2010


Well this was an exciting week for me. Starting off--- I slept through the night Sunday night, January 24th, the night before my 1st day of school! Mom freaked out liked everyone said she would. She came flying into my room at 4:10 and there I was sound asleep!! I didn't wake until 5:25. I knew what the day had in store and knew I needed to rest up.  I was starting a huge new chapter of my life and boy was I excited.

Monday, January 25th,  mom took me to daycare where I had a wonderful day, which started a great week. She did good and only shed about 3-4 tears. I did great throughout the week even with all the new sounds and things to look at. I change clothes a lot! I am trying to grasp this whole full time formula thing! Each time I changed though I made sure I still looked cute for all the girls in my class. My teachers are wonderful. The are already fighting over me. I am the only one in my class that will sleep in my crib. They tell mom that I am a very happy baby!  I get a daily report and so far each one has been an A+.  I must get my grades from mom, cause I heard dad say he never got vowels on his report card. Mom came every day at lunch to check on me, and some days fed me lunch! I keep telling her one day she won't be able to do that, but for her first week back that was fine with me! Dad is adjusting well too. He calls some days to check on me and at night he soaks up the time he can. He is back in school now and some nights does have to study. We are doing good with this adjustment so far though. At night my favorite thing is when dad bathes me, he splashes water everywhere!! Here are a few pics from school.

Friday was another huge day! MY FIRST SNOW! My daycare was closed and mom didn't have to work!! Dad even got to come home early too! We stayed home all day and watched it come down fast! It was cold outside, but we were in---safe and sound! I did get to get out and take some pictures-----

 Saturday morning I  had my first REAL tear. I woke up hungry and a little upset. Mom then saw some water running down my face---What is that she said?!!! oh my a TEAR! It didn't last long and I only had one, but it was a real one!

This week was a HUGE week for me!! I am growing up fast! What a great week with lots of new sounds, sights, and rememberable experiences!!! Here are a few more pics to enjoy!

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